Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 1 - Hong Kong - 10/7/16

arrived in HK. hahaha. 

we'd arranged for a driver to pick us up. 1st time sitting in my dream car - toyota alphard. big and mighty. keke.

then checked in to our hotel - prudential hotel - near jordan mtr. 

rested for awhile before we headed out for dinner

i would prefer to stay in mongkok or yaumatei.. though more sleazy, i think there are more food there... 

first day there din plan much. ended up in a small cha-can-ting. anyway, most of the cha-can-tings are small and squeezy. so, strollers were not allowed, and what happened then? mr rayous was sitting on my lap for most of the meals. haii. really poor me. one hand holding a non-stop action baby, the other hand trying to eat. really superrrr siann. indigestion! and they say u tend to eat more when u are not concentrating on what u r eating. maybe that's y i gained weight after this trip. WTF. 

after that was a walk along the night market

a forlorn boy in a foreign busy market. haha.

and know what?? i managed to 捡到宝 in the market!! 

i bought this exact same thing at raffles place mrt shopping mall for S$17.90 per pack. was walking along the market when i spotted it and know how much are they selling in HK? HKD30, which is equivalent to about S$6 only!!!!

 i got so excited that i started telling the salesperson how expensive this thing is selling in SG. so happy and kiasu that i bought 2 packets straight. 

simply loveeee these bibs lah. wear already looks like scarf rather than bib. haha. really very nice. should have buy more man! 

ok, that's all for day1. 

stay tuned for day 2..! 

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