Saturday, August 3, 2013

FooD... PhoToShooT... ConFeReNcE...

OMG! it's august already??!


introducing one of the best hotel buffet i had - marriott hotel's marriott cafe. we were there celebrating one of hubb's buddy's successful proposal. keke.

the spread is good and the food are very fresh!! i liked it alot!

It's really one of the best hotel buffet. highly recommended!

brunch with gals at the lavaedge restuarant and bar at macritchie reservoir.

the gals ordered the egg dishes. i went for the beef, which i thought was quite good. the salad and dessert bar was average only, cuz not many variety. but the overall ambience was good.. located among the greeneries... a good place to chill and relax..

after that, we proceeded to lower pierce road, for the real purpose of our meet-up - professional outdoor photoshoot!

yes, from the groupon's offer. we've been talking about it for a long while already and now, finally materialized! happy!

the groupon offer only entitled us to 5 pics. but in the end, we paid more to buy all the pics. i guess that is how they earn the money also. im quite sure most pple will buy back all the pics, cuz unlike wedding pics which are super expensive, we paid only $60+ in total, to get back all the pics. :)

now waiting for them to send us the edited copies. hope will turn out to be nice. good and fun experience. could have been better if the weather was less humid and we dont have to sweat that much. will post the end-results when i receive the copies :) 


korean dinner with cmd colleagues. this restaurant is at mosque street, near chinatown. the food is good. so good that the following week, i brought mum, dad and hubb to try. keke.

the restuarant's name is Togi. located at mosque street. recommended. can give it a try if u like korean food.  


juz finished organising a 2days conference held at parkroyal @ pickering. all my function's big shots from the regional countries attended. and on the 1st day morning, my ceo attended as well. 1st time seeing him soooo upfront and close. very honoured :)

and the buffet at parkroyal at pickering is also very nice and fresh!!!  

and dessert spread was good

look at this!!! green tea chocolate fondue! i got a shock when i saw it... 1st time i see a green-tea chocolate fondue!! as usual, green tea has this bitter taste. so the chocolate was a little bitter sweet. v creative and innovative, but i would still prefer the traditional dark chocolate. heh.

the hotel is an environment friendly hotel and many of the things that they use are from recycled materials. as such, i guess that is why green is the theme color that they use. from cups to chairs to carpet... it's all green! and the name of the buffet restuarant is called 'Lime'. and then, you can find lime marshmellow and of cuz.. the green fondue!! interesting, right?!

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