day 3 started out to kings park, one of the biggest and the most famous park in perth. it was also the only day that rained for the whole period tt we were there. luckily the rain was only for while.
actually nothing much in the park.. just a vast green area with some memorial monuments and can oversee the swan river and the skyscapers.. tt's all.. but it's a v famous park, hence it's a must-go in perth.
~ beautiful flowers ~
~ the jumbo dog we ate at the park ~

~ the parking machine where u pay for the parking fee ~
seriously, i think our cash card system is sooo much more efficient than their system of paying for parking fees. basically the above are the road sides parking machines. typically,if u want to park at the road sides, u have to pay a fix sum for a certain period. some areas are max half hr, some 1 hr, some 2 hrs etc. the amt to pay and the max parking hrs are stated on the machines. so, let say, for that particular area, the max parking period is for 1 hr and it cost aud2.20. so u have to slot in 2.20, collect the ticket, and place the ticket on ur car for display. and after 1 hr, ur ticket will expire and u have to drive the car away, if not, u will kenna summon when the traffic officer comes. it's somewad like our coupon system, but the gist here is, there is a max period and once the max period is up, u have to drive away and park somewhere else cux apparently, u cannot park at the same area for > 1 hr. quite dumb yea?
another kind of parking is in the multi storey carparks. once u drive and enter, u have to collect a ticket at the gantry. then the gantry will open and u enter and park. when u want to leave, b4 u go to the car, u have to pay for the parking fees 1st. how to pay is basically,u have to locate the parking machines 1st. once u found them, u have to slot the ticket tt was issued to u when u enter into the carpark into the machine, and the machine will show u how much to pay. after u pay, the machine will issue a 2nd ticket. and so, when u exit, u slot the 2nd ticket into the gantry and the gantry will open for u to exit.
super super dumb right???? u can imagine when we parked at the mall and when the mall closes at 5pm, how many pple are queueing at the parking machines to pay for their fees b4 they can collect their cars to exit!
seriously, they shld consider our cashcard system which is 100% more efficient and effective.
and parking fees in perth is exorbitant. pls do not complain about singapore parking fees. u will start to appreciate singapore when u compare the fees in perth. no joke.
~ nxt was to perth mint. many real gold inside and photo-takings are prohibited. also saw the gold pouring demo where they turn hot liquid gold into solid gold. interesting. ~
~ our lunch for that day. curry chix rice and sweet & sour pork rice. yummy but again expensive. about sgd12/plate when my good old zhi-zhar stall is selling for $4 for the exact same stuff~
~ next, we went to the burswood entertainment complex. the main attraction is the casino. and... i lost like sgd100 inside. no luck for me at all! but hubb managed to win a tee-wee bit. boohoo ~
~ the v nice ice-cream ~
~ next was to hilarys. the swan bell tower in the day ~
~ and our supermart oven lasgana for supper. kekek ~