Thursday, October 17, 2024


Shag max. 

I mean i shag max!! 

Dont know is it he having exams, or i having exams! 


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

TeamBonDing JB DaY 3 - 12/10/24

 And day 3 of our JB teambonding! 


Quickly go get my hair treatment done!

But the price at this mid valley mall is much higher than that at KSL lor. But overall shld still be cheaper than in SG ba. Anyways, no time to do in SG. So, glad to had it done nonetheless. 


After that lunch, b4 the vehicle came pick us and send us back to SG. 

And off to Andy Lau's concert after that. 


All in, i think it was a better trip than last yr. The overall planning and execution also easier. Probably cuz last yr we had more participants, and also a gala dinner. So darn many plannings involved. 

This yr relatively relaxed... And i even managed to get many things done like massage and hairdo.


Next yr... Heard maybe can go BKK. 

But if can, i rather just do it locally laa.. 


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

TeamBonDing JB DaY 2 - 11/10/24

Day 2 of teambonding...! 

The actual teambonding session. Lol

Whats with this labubu craze... Seriously... 

 And then move off to the dinner place. 

Really great reconnection with that someone who 转一圈又是我的boss的人. 


And move off to ktv and drinking session after that! 

 Not bad. 



Monday, October 14, 2024

TeamBondinG JB DaY 1


Our offsite teambonding in JB! 

Finally over! 

As usual, im one of the committee member... And again, so so much time spent in the planning lor. 

Ya, so quite happy that its over. 


Took van in on thurs PM.. Split into 4 vehicles..

Stayed at St Giles. This year, we each get our own room. Shiok! 

Unlike last yr, the things to do for this yr are less... So i got more time to R&R. 

Went dinner.. Followed by massage! 

Thai massage.. Woahhaha. 

And after that, lok lok for supper! 

Honestly my first time eating lok lok... I always tot it is like 关东煮.. Whereby the skewers are put into hotpot to boil n eat.. 

Who knows, 原来是炸到一个不行..... Super omg lor. So ultimate unhealthy! 

Yay, once in a while... Sinfulness.. Haha. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

AnDy LaU... 今天... Is the Day!!


Back in SG and immediately to Andy Lau's concert at indoor stadium!! 

大费周章then managed to get the tickets! 
And even after all the trouble, only managed to get CAT 2 tickets. 

Thanks hubb for the efforts and $$. Lovee. 

Really 坐无虚席!! And i tot CAT 2 still can quite near... But actually is v far liao lor.. Just that its still centralised.. 

Ahhh.. My idol since pri5!! Believe it or not!! Since the song 冰雨... Wahahahhaha

He really 红足a few decades xia.... And still so fit and charming at his age... Omgggg... 

Very good show!! Stage design and effects are great, and singing really as good as listening to broadcast! And 该唱的,都有唱到. 

Was expecting the show to end at 10pm... But it ended at 10.45pm!


Long time never go concert liao... Think we only went sammi, grasshopper and mayday b4... 

Ticket prices are so high these days! If not for hubb willing to go thru the trouble of buying the tix, i also likely won't go.

But also probably andy's last world tour le? Really want to sing till 70 meh?

Ya.. So got chance, faster catch now.. 

Else... 还真的称不上是他的fans...


Thursday, October 10, 2024


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

 FOC corporate photo. 

不错, 拍得还几pro.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

 好累... 又好siannn

Sorry for the negativity.... But ya... It's like alot of things pending to be sorted out... 

Or rather.... Pending to be over... 



Monday, October 7, 2024


Lucky tmr work from site office. 

Minus siannn abit 


Sunday, October 6, 2024

StaYCaY aT Shangri-la SinGaPoRe DaY 3

Day 3 of our staycay! 

Bf at The Line

And then back to room to rest... 

Before checking out! 


So that was our little getaway to celeb my (belated) bday and also children's day! 

Thank u hubb!!!! 


Saturday, October 5, 2024

StayCaY @ ShanGriLa SinGaPoRe DaY 2

 Day 2 of our staycay! 

Tried the bf at the lounge

Then did some work... 

And the boys were off to swimming.. 

While i nua in the room. Whaahhahahah! 

And after swimming, sent them to the kids club!! 

While i continue to slack in the room! Super shiok laaaa!!

After that, quick bites at the lounge

And back to room and play again...... Really happy lorrr

And our late dinner... From foodpanda! 

Good rest!!


Friday, October 4, 2024

StaYCaY @ ShanGriLa SinGaPore

On leave today! 

Brought mum to her doc appmt and makan at chinatown point after that 

Meantime, hubb and the boys checked in to our staycay location - shangri-la singapore! 

To celeb my bday as well as childrens day! Lol



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